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We manufacture specialised items, and will assist in problem solving with unusual

  1. Compensators / Bellows / Couplings / Clamps
  2. Easy Straps Pipe repairs
  3. Pipe Repair Kit
  4. Steel Sticks
  5. Solidur
  6. PTFE Linings
  7. PTFE Joint Seal
  8. Silicon Extrusion
  9. Shims
  10. Webbing Tape
  11. Special Rubber Materials

1-bellows-couplings1-compensatorsSAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESSAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES4-steel-sticks5-solidur7-ptfe-joint-sealant  8-silicon-extrusions  10-webbing-tape  11-special-rubber-materials9-shims